In this unit, you will learn about the ways in which growth and development are interlinked. This interlinking is why we often talk about children’s ages, as well as their stages of development. You will learn about children’s development in five broad areas: physical, cognitive, language, emotional and social, and will see how these areas of development are interlinked.

By the time you have completed this unit, you should have a good understanding of why play is valued and how it supports children’s learning and development. You will also have learned how play changes as children develop, including how children start to be able to play together and in more complex ways. During the study of this unit, you will discover that there are many different types of play and different ways that it can be organised.

In this unit you will learn how to plan and carry out care routines to meet children’s physical care needs in ways that respect them as individuals, support their learning and development, and promote healthy lifestyles.

In this unit you will look at the principles of preventing the spread of infection and how to create safe, secure environments, both indoors and outdoors, that still allow children to explore and take risks. You will know what to do in the event of an emergency. Finally, you will learn how to assess health and safety risks in early years settings.

By the time you have completed this unit, you will have a good understanding of the importance of cooperative working on positive outcomes for children. You will learn about the role of parents and/or carers in children’s lives and factors that affect parenting styles. You will also learn about parents’ and/or carers’ rights and different views about childhood.

By the time you have completed this unit, you will have a good understanding of young children’s emotional wellbeing and resilience and how to enable children to develop their personal, social and emotional skills. You will explore the importance of professional relationships with children, attachment theories, the key person approach and how to support children through the range of significant events that they may experience. You will also learn about how to promote children’s positive behaviour.

This unit is all about your role and responsibilities in keeping children safe and promoting their welfare. You will learn how to respond appropriately to concerns, including the importance of keeping detailed records and following a strict reporting process. You will develop an understanding of settings’ policies and procedures with regards to safeguarding children’s welfare, as well as strategies to help you become a vigilant early years professional and work safely

By the time you have completed this unit you should have a good understanding of the importance of and the range of observational methods and how to present records of observations. You will learn how to interpret your observations and draw valid conclusions from them. You will learn how observations inform the planning process to support children’s play and development and will learn how to create and implement plans to support children’s play and learning.

By the time you have completed this unit, you will have a good understanding of the structure of the EYFS, its key principles and welfare requirements, and the education programme within the EYFS. You will be able to promote children’s welfare and plan and lead play activities and education programmes that support their progress towards the early learning goals.